About the University of Surrey
Who are we?
We are a global university with a world-class research profile and an enterprising spirit. Inventive and forward-thinking, our heritage shows a recurring theme of going our own way, doing things differently – and achieving notable results.
We provide a distinctive blend of academic knowledge, professional insight, and can-do confidence to those studying and working with us. Staff/student exchanges and research collaboration are developed through our landmark partnerships with Massachusetts Institute of Technology, California Institute of Technology, the University of California, Los Angeles and North Carolina State University. In only the second collaboration of its kind to be approved by the Chinese government, the Surrey International Institute offers joint undergraduate degrees with Dongbei University of Finance and Economics in China, giving UK students the opportunity to study at the Dongbei campus and vice-versa.
Holding an unrivalled graduate employability record for a decade,
our distinctive position has been consolidated through an overhaul
of the Professional Training Programme, resulting in a further increase
in graduate employment for 2007/08.
Ground-breaking research at Surrey is bringing direct benefits to many spheres of life – helping industry to maintain its competitive edge and creating improvements in the areas of health, medicine, space science, the environment, communications, defence and social policy.
Our striking, modern campus has seen significant development in recent years and by 2010 our Manor Park site will be home to the multi-million pound Surrey Sports Park providing a world-class sporting facility for our staff, students, and the local community.
Surrey’s outlook is bright; the recent sale (subject to regulatory approval) of Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd, is believed to be the largest ever cash realisation of any UK university spin-out and is the latest of our many commercial successes.
We have embarked on an ambitious agenda that is environmentally sustainable, financially robust and advances our international impact within higher education. If you are considering Surrey as prospective staff or student, we warmly invite you to join us.
Prospective Students from Indonesia
We are pleased you are considering studying at the University of Surrey
At the University of Surrey, we have a long history of welcoming international students from all around the world. We currently have over 130 different nationalities represented so you will be certain to get a truly international education. Our beautiful safe campus is situated in Guildford which is just 40 minutes by train from London and close to Heathrow and Gatwick airports.
There is a considerable amount of university accommodation available, the majority of which is single study bedrooms with a shared kitchen and either shared or ensuite bathroom facilities. All full fee paying students are guaranteed* university accommodation for the normal duration of their degree course. The University’s student union, USSU, offers a wide variety of sporting and social facilities and clubs including more than 20 international societies.
After university, Surrey students have excellent employment prospects as they are consistently rated the most employable graduates of any UK University.
We hope you decide to choose the University of Surrey and look forward to welcoming you here soon!
Entry Requirements
Undergraduate Study
Normal ‘A’ level / International Baccalaureate entrance requirements apply.
Please see the undergraduate prospectus for full details of each course requirements.
Postgraduate Study
Normal ‘A’ level / International Baccalaureate entrance requirements apply. Holders of Masters degrees will be considered for MPhil/PhD study.
Please see the postgraduate prospectus for full details about each course.
Please note: The University is happy to consider overseas qualifications on a case-by-case basis. In considering the less well known qualifications it is helpful if we are provided with full details including transcripts, the syllabus (at least for your final year of study), the system for marks/grades and the web address of your institution. You can also get advice from IBEC.
Students review about the university can be found at :