The University was founded in 1796 as Anderson’s Institution. It is now Scotland’s third largest university. Strathclyde is the largest provider of postgraduate and professional education in the UK. It has a reputation as a dynamic and innovative institution, with a proven record of excellence in teaching and research.
The university of Strathclyde offers courses in a wide range of subjects at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. There are five Faculties: Arts & Social Sciences, Education, Engineering, Science and the Strathclyde Business School. The University provides a stimulating environment for study with over 50 academic departments, plus 21 specialist research centres, many of them interdisciplinary. Courses of particular interest to our current Indonesian students include MBA, MSc Finance, MSc Business and Management, MSc International Marketing, MSc Business Economics and MSc Information Technology Systems.
The University’s mission is expressed in the words of its founder, John Anderson, that it should be “a place of useful learning.” From its early days the University has developed a reputation for undertaking industrially and commercially relevant research. The Cabinet Office of Science and Technology has cited Strathclyde as being one of two UK universities including that are most successful at working with industry to develop academic research into commercial applications.
The University places great emphasis on its support for international students. The International Student Adviser provides advice and support and leases with other support services including the Accommodation Office, Library and Student Health accommodation, mostly in self-catering single study bedrooms on Campus.
Strathclyde’s two campuses occupy prime sites in Glasgow, Scotland’s largest, most dynamic city. Glasgow is within easy reach of some of Scotland’s most spectacular scenery and has major transport links to the rest of the UK and to worldwide destinations.
The University’s accommodation has been developed as a Campus Village, right in the heart of the city. Over 1,440 students live there and a further 400 live in University accommodation within close walking distance of the Campus, much of it in the fashionable Merchant City. The Jordanhill Campus has its own halls of residence on site. These provide a fully-catered accommodation service for 139 students.
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