Donke Ridhon Kahfi
It is an honour to testify that ibec has a number of excellent university choices. It is so satisfying that ibec always recommended me the best university which suit my [...]
Budi Prasetia
"Highly credible, friendly team and ibec has provided all the necessary information. Good work and well done!!! ibec is accessible and established a wonderful relationship with me, without any limit [...]
Chrisnah WJ. Ruston
“There are many places offering educational advices, but I found KING'S - ibec gave me what I really needed. I feel I was treated very special by your FAST responses [...]
Maralda Hernanda Kairupan
"I have been through some education agencies in Jakarta and found out that ibec is the most reliable of all. ibec gives magnificent service every single day. The crews (consultants) [...]
Joni Chu
“A highly professional counselling approach for students who need unique and good advice on studying abroad, very recommended. ” JONI CHU, University of Northumbria at Newcastle
Chrys Kelana
“Semula kami tidak yakin terhadap biro jasa pengurusan sekolah. Kami biasanya mengurus sendiri untuk keperluan sekolah anak kami di Luar Negeri, seperti ketika mengirim anak kami sekolah di Australia. Namun [...]