The University of Aberdeen is Scotland’s third oldest university, founded in 1495 as Columbus was opening up the New World and the Renaissance was spreading throughout Europe.
William Elphinstone, Bishop of Aberdeen and Chancellor of Scotland, established King’s College to train doctors, teachers and clergy for the communities of northern Scotland, and lawyers and administrators to serve the Scottish Crown. This fledgling university boasted, from 1497, the first chair of medicine in the English-speaking world.
As you would expect of a university dedicated to excellence in teaching and learning, you will be taught by people who are at the forefront of research in their particular fields. The University of Aberdeen has been praised by the UK Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) for the quality of relationships between students and staff at all levels. 89% of subjects assessed were rated excellent/highly satisfactory, and 85% of academic staff are research active.
The University offers over 80 taught Masters programmes, libraries with over 1,050,000 volume and more than 6,000 journals and periodicals with more than 1,000 computers for student use. The University also has 155 Erasmus/Socrates links with institutions in more than 20 European countries and exchanges with 24 North American Universities.
Entrance Requirements for postgraduate study are not rigid. In general, the university is pleased to receive applications from candidates offering any qualifications equivalent to an Honours degree from a British university. Usually, those seeking entry to a research degree should have the equivalent of a First or Upper Second Class Honours degree including some research experience; for a taught postgraduate course, the equivalent of an Honours degree is generally sufficient.
The academic year at Aberdeen starts about 20 September each year, and most taught Postgraduate courses begin at that time. Applications can be made any time in the previous 12 months, preferably at least 6 months before you start your studies here. However, applications made later than that will always be considered if places remain available.
In addition to Tuition Fees, you will need at least £ 500 per month to cover all your other costs. A married student who wishes to bring his/her family should have available additional funds, at least £ 2,000 to support the wife/husband and £ 1,000 for each child each year.
Note Arts-based programmes are based in the classroom and include all departments in the Faculties of Arts & Divinity and Social Sciences & Law. Also included are Geography, Mathematical Science and Public Health.
Science-based programmes are laboratory-based and include all departments in the faculties of Science & Engineering and Medicine & Medical Sciences with the exception of Geography, Mathematical Science and Public Health.
Students review about the university can be found at :