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So far admin has created 242 blog entries.

UCL – Foundation


UCL (University College London) is a world-leading multidisciplinary university with an international reputation for high-quality research and teaching. Ranked 8th in the world (QS World University Rankings 2022), UCL is the only UK university featured in the top-10 to offer its own foundation programme – Undergraduate Preparatory Certificates (UPC). The UPC prepare international students for an undergraduate degree at UCL or other leading UK universities. Former UPC students have progressed to degrees at UCL, Imperial, and LSE to name a few (optional). These intensive one-year foundation courses are taught on UCL’s central London campus by experienced UCL teachers. Students are supported [...]

UCL – Foundation2022-04-11T09:54:08+07:00

Ngabuburit bersama dengan Mahasiswi Indonesia di Leeds, 6 April


Ngabuburit - Mengenal lebih dekat University of Leeds dari sudut pandang para pelajar Indonesia. Sambil menunggu buka puasa, kita ngobrol santai dengan para pelajar Indonesia yang sedang berada di Leeds yuk. Rabu, 6 April 2022 16.00 - 17.30WIB  Keynote Speakers: Anastasia Stephanie - MSCi Food Science Vita Cahyarani - MA Media & Communication Corina Gunawidjaja - BA Digital Media *Apa kata mereka mengenai University of Leeds? *Bagaimana rasanya berpuasa di Inggris? *Mengapa mereka memilih Leeds? *Rekomendasi Akomodasi yg paling cocok untuk kita? *Bagaimana manajemen waktu sebagai pelajar? *dll Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk berbincang langsung dengan para pelajar! Registration: bit.ly/IBECLeedsTalk

Ngabuburit bersama dengan Mahasiswi Indonesia di Leeds, 6 April2022-03-28T16:50:00+07:00

Taster Lecture in Business Management by Lancaster University, 23 Mar


Join "Taster Lecture" from Lancaster University about Business Management Studies. Get to know how the lessons are being delivered if you are studying Business. Wednesday, 23 March 2022 17.00 - 19.00 WIB LIVE Webinar on Zoom Lecture will be delivered by : Anna Wos - Program Director for BSc Business Management Dept of Marketing Dr. Kostas Amiridis - Program Director for BSc International Business Management Dept. of Organisation, Work and Technology Registration: bit.ly/LancasterTasterLecture  

Taster Lecture in Business Management by Lancaster University, 23 Mar2022-03-15T14:35:48+07:00

Study in UK Virtual Expo 2022 – 11 & 12 Mar


Jangan lewatkan kesempatan kalian untuk mendapatkan LoA segera! Tahun ini para delegasi dari Inggris masih belum bisa hadir di Indonesia, oleh karenanya Pameran Pendidikan masih kami adakan dalam bentuk Virtual. Tahun 2022 program belajar sudah sepenuhnya akan diadakan secara offline dan kehidupan sudah kembali seperti dulu lagi. Ikuti berbagai macam webinar dan workshop yang akan dibawakan langsung oleh staff Universitas/ Akademisi langsung dari UK (swipe left). Tentunya hal ini akan memperkaya pengalaman akademis kita sebelum berangkat ke UK. (IELTS Workshop & Training, Post Study Work Visa, How to make Personal Statement, Workshop on Research Proposal, Automatic Scholarship for SMA Students, How [...]

Study in UK Virtual Expo 2022 – 11 & 12 Mar2022-02-25T16:25:21+07:00

University of Warwick – Scholarships Webinar, 23 Feb


How do we get scholarship to study at Warwick? University of Warwick kali ini ingin berbagi informasi bagi semua calon mahasiswa Indonesia mengenai beasiswa yang tersedia. Seperti yang kita ketahui sebetulnya ada bebagai macam sponsor yang bisa kita daftar namun terkadang informasi ini terbatas sekali. Dalam kesempatan ini, Mr. Imran Hashim - Warwick Liaison Manager akan menjabarkannya. (Bersama dengan beberapa mahasiswa Warwick yang mendapatkan berbagai macam beasiswa) Ikuti WEBINAR Warwick hari Rabu, 23 Feb 2022 pukul 17.00 - 18.30 WIB. Daftar sekarang bit.ly/WarwickScholarshipWebinar  

University of Warwick – Scholarships Webinar, 23 Feb2022-02-14T16:49:49+07:00

University of Nottingham Taster Lecture – Architecture, 27 Jan


The University of Nottingham - UK, is inviting you to join their Taster Lecture that will be delivered by Prof. Tim Heath. Thursday, 27 Jan 2022, 16.00 - 18.00 (JKT Time). Topics: 1. Experiencing Lecture of Architecture 2. Networking to prepare your Master and PhD 3. Admission process, Requirements and Scholarships 4. Master Degree Subject and Research Topic available at The University of Nottingham Join us and register at bit.ly/NottinghamTasterLecture  

University of Nottingham Taster Lecture – Architecture, 27 Jan2022-01-18T11:03:57+07:00

University of Glasgow – Change the World with us! Zoom Webinar 19 Jan


The University of Glasgow is delivering a webinar for Indonesian students on Wednesday, 19 Jan 2022 from 17.00 - 19.00 (Jkt Time). Speakers: 1. Mrs. Shonagh Maak - International Recruitment Manager, University of Glasgow 2. Mr. Alfin F. Firdaus - International Officer, University of Glasgow 3. Angel Soenarko - Student Recruitment Manager KAPLAN Topics: 1. Degree and career prospects for the future - Students will be briefed on what degree is available and what will be the career. This will help you decide on which degree to take 2. Detail entry requirement for all levels. (Bachelor, Master and PhD) 3. Admission [...]

University of Glasgow – Change the World with us! Zoom Webinar 19 Jan2022-01-11T10:50:00+07:00

Taster Lecture in Development Studies by University of Sussex, 14 Jan


Join the Taster Lecture in Development Studies by University of Sussex!  Friday, 14 January 2022 18.00 - 19.30 Dr. Dinah Rajak - Associate Professor, University of Sussex will deliver a sample of lecture at University of Sussex. This opportunity will provide potential students the experience and understanding of how a lecture is being delivered in UK. The University of Sussex is rank 1st in the world for Development Studies.  Her lecture will focus on, the quest for ‘inclusive markets’ that incorporate the world’s poor, have become a key focus of national and international development efforts, with youth the primary target for [...]

Taster Lecture in Development Studies by University of Sussex, 14 Jan2022-01-03T16:58:24+07:00

IELTS Workshop & Taster Lecture by Queen’s University Belfast & INTO UK, 25 Nov


Join IELTS Workshop and UK Live Taster Lecture that will be delivered by lectures from Queen's University Belfast and INTO UK! Thursday, 25 November 2021 18.00 - 20.00 WIB Speakers: 1. Dr. Sin Wang Chong (PhD, SFHEA) - QUB Assistant Professor 2. Dr. Ryan McFadden - Lecturer at INTO QUB Register Now! bit.ly/WebinarQUBINTO

IELTS Workshop & Taster Lecture by Queen’s University Belfast & INTO UK, 25 Nov2021-11-17T17:52:14+07:00

Career Change – Webinar by Northumbria University, 18 Nov


Career Change, A Step-by-step guide by Northumbria University, NEWCASTLE-UK! Join our Zoom Webinar: Thursday, 18 Nov 2021 19.00 - 20.30WIB REGISTER NOW! https://bit.ly/NorthumbriaCareerChange

Career Change – Webinar by Northumbria University, 18 Nov2021-11-09T14:10:04+07:00